Follow links below to see numerous show layouts in operation. Videos are
supplied by various individuals, and many are in high definition and of
commercial quality. Enjoy! |
Source: Mike Roche (Railheadz Television Services) Content:
Apprx 7 minutes of HIGH DEF video from the point of view of a person
actually on the layout. Incredible!
◄Click image to see video |
Source: SoCal Freelance Content: Apprx 12 minute review of various layouts and displays,
with sound.
Click image to see video► |
Source: PADesignGuy Content: Apprx 5 minute review of Four County Society Of Model
Engineers Modular Layout, with sound.
◄Click image to see video |
Source: Joey Ricard / Trackside Scenery
Content: Apprx 2 minute close-up,
incredibly detailed with sound.
Click image to see video► |
Source: William Swint / S&SS of NC&OH Content: Apprx 20 minute circuit around layout as seen from the
cab of the loco, with sound.
◄Click image to see video |
Source: Railheadz Video Content: Apprx 12 minutes of train run-bys as seen from a track
bystander, with sound. Includes collision with camera.
Click image to see video► |
Source: Clayton Holland, Meade Area Model RR Society
Content: Passenger's eye view of a complete circuit of MARRS' layout
from recent train show.
◄Click image to see video |
Source: JBTrainman
Content: Apprx 20 minutes covering numerous operating layouts
at the show. Hi-Def, very nice production!
Click image to see the video►
Source: JBTrainman
Content: Apprx 13 minutes of the April 2016 show covering
numerous operating layouts Another JBTrainman classic! Hi-Def, very nice
◄Click image to see the video |
"Helmet Cam" views of the show. Raw videos of the train show
produced by videographers whose edited content appears in our TV
advertising and elsewhere.
Even though they are uncut and include camera adjustments, these
videos give you a good view of what people see as they stroll through
the train show on a "random walk."
Click links at right to view►
Raw Video #1
Raw Video #2
Raw Video #3 |